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Welcome to my blog! This is a place where I hang out some days and talk about photography, things in the world, my family, friends and things I like. I hope you enjoy your time here! Feel free to comment on anything you find of interest or just say hello. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cleaning House

I have been organizing and cleaning lately. Well, when there is time. I feel like I can't bust out unless the house is uncluttered. and by bust out, I mean really reach my full potential, whatever that may be. My house is a very lived in place. We try to keep it clean and organized, but by the end of the day, just bending down to pick up a cheerio is an ordeal, so sometimes it doesn't get done. Not to mention the piles of filing that I need to do. Also, not to mention the shelves of lovely little boxes that I have purchased to put things in to make my house seem more organized than it really is. So, as the business gets some much needed organization this tax season, so do the shelves in my bedroom and closet. In doing so, I came across some old assignments from my darkroom photography days. It's been fun and disappointing at the same time to look through these. Some of them were really great and I was proud of my 16 year old self. Others were really half-ass, like you could tell I procrastinated until the last minute because I was too busy listening to the Smiths and brooding over how lame it was that I had to wake up and go to school at all. Ah yoot. It's wasted on the young, no? I think so. Anyway these were some that I was proud of. The rest you don't get to see. ;)

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