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Welcome to my blog! This is a place where I hang out some days and talk about photography, things in the world, my family, friends and things I like. I hope you enjoy your time here! Feel free to comment on anything you find of interest or just say hello. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Here are some of my favorite images from our trip to New Orleans. Yes, it was a while ago and I'm just now getting around to posting them. I'm kind of working backwards. I'll have some more images from another little vacation we took in August to visit my parents. So, stay tuned for those. In the meantime, here is some NOLA for you.

I wish I could remember the name of this band. They were playing at a little bar down the block from our hotel. It's so nice to be able to step out of your "home" and into the streets to the sounds of great music coming from every door. What a wonderful time we had!

This was a wall that we passed by about three or four times a day. Look at the years and years of staples. I bet those staples could tell a story or two.

Horse and horse stop.

Saint Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square.

Window of beer.

The windows in New Orleans hold such interesting stories.

Bring on the good stuff!

An old foofie dress in the history museum

Here we are in Lacy's favorite pub. I want to say his name was David, but I'm probably wrong. Lacy, correct me here. Bill, my loving husband is on the right. I'm not sure why these boys are looking at me like that.

Kickin' it with our new BFFs, Lacy and Andy, who incidentally, we met while shooting their wedding a little over a year ago. We love you guys! Thanks for the good times! We'll be back, soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anna, I can't wait to see more. Maybe I did, but these photos of NOLA are amazing. I love the way your camera captures New Orleans' true treasures. Add Mardi Gras to your list. You can stay at our house.