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Welcome to my blog! This is a place where I hang out some days and talk about photography, things in the world, my family, friends and things I like. I hope you enjoy your time here! Feel free to comment on anything you find of interest or just say hello. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's me!

Hey there! I'm sure I've severely disappointed so many of you by neglecting this blog. I have been very busy working it seems all the time on this, that, or the other thing. Kids and the man consume most of my time. Picture-takin',then post-processing and delivery take up another portion. Research, learning and marketing take up some more. I have to eat, sleep and play some, too. Then there's the poor ol' blog. It's last. I feel sorry for it. I think about it all the time. Really, I do!

So anyway, my point is, this evening I'm slaving away working on the computer trying to ready recent images to show the world, trying to finish up a project for a client, and trying so hard not to be neglectful of the blog and diligent about delivering beautiful pictures and albums to my clients. I'm in the zone, concentrating hard and I look around to my right and what do I see? My littlest finding something to keep herself entertained while I work so hard. I'm sorry, blog, but once again, I must neglect you. I will leave you with these images of what I saw when I turned around and why I have to now stop least until she goes to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful distraction!